Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Not sure what to make of what happened to me.. I remember sleeping later than normal, I work early so it was unusual for me to be up so late 2ish.. My Dog a terrier, barks at the slightest thing and at one point he started growling loud at nothing. So I told him to shut Up but he would not let up! I stood up and he jumped up on the bed and started barking at the wall.. I looked with him but nothing.. That night I experienced "sleep paralysis" the funny thing was that so did my dog.... He sleeps on my chest or near my face.. While I was trying to wake up I felt my dog squirming and shaking like he never had before... He was even whimpering I prayed to God to get me out of this and I literally felt something get off the bed in A hury... That instant a ball of light came in the room like a golden white I tried sitting up but I just fell back asleep peeking I saw my dog approach the light. That was the last thing I remember I woke up with little scratch marks on my chest from my dog trying to wake up. There is more to this #sleepparalysis  thing I know it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Web Site!

Visit my WebSite:

Sunday, January 17, 2016

It came again

I don't know anymore, is it alien or is it demonic or is it just something looking for some sort of self gratification of the type we don't understand ... It never visibly harms and doesn't always alert...but it is there. It is not I repeat in no way sleep paralysis. After waking from a potential sleep paralysis moment it came back. I had stood up to shake it off and when I laid back down it returned while I was awake, I saw nothing but felt it's presence it was cold so cold. It was in the air around me thick like a thick vibrational energy. It left and I was left standing. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

This is the real alien.

From a man in Virginia: I had just finished making love to my wife. It was about 2 in the morning, we sat and talked for a bit. I then got the urge to go to the rest room. I made my way down the stairs to double check the front door, and decided to use the rest room downstairs. Our restroom sits in-between two other rooms naturally it was all dark as I reached for the door to open it, a hand with long fingers appeared from the darkness of the room on the left  I reacted fast and noticed it was one of those alien grays with a black skin tight suit on I blacked out and woke up on the couch the next morning. I'm not sure what happened just remember that instant fear and the image of the being I saw. Months later I saw a video on YouTube that had aliens from a meeting with Eisenhower or something, and that Alien is the exact same as what I saw down to the uniform they wear. I will try and provide a picture. The video that goes with the picture scares me to death .