Saturday, September 19, 2015

They were just here.

They were just here, I was actually having trouble sleeping.. I was tossing and turning. I guess I should know better by now. This field enveloped me the only way I can describe it, is if you have ever received an alternating current shock from an outlet. I tried getting up but I couldn't all my muscles were contracting. I was able to open my eyes a bit and saw these shadows scurrying about the bed, but also was this weird tone. You have to understand this felt like mere seconds they were moving so fast unlike the last time where I saw one move so slow it was fluid. I felt their attention was on me. I could feel my wife and see her silhouette the second they touched her and felt her body convulse I fought it and snapped out of it. This time I had enough sense to look out the window and managed to see a red light trail off lighting half the neighborhood. Fucking cowards!